UK Electricity Carbon Factors

What most people don't know is the UK Electricity Factors are 2 years out of date! The 2024 Factor is actually based on UK Power Stations emissions in 2023 (the Global Energy Crisis).

Wouldn't it be great if you could use a Carbon Factor that more accurately reflects your true, real time emissions?


Well, the good news is you can, and it is actually recommended by both the UK Gov and the GHG Protocol, specifically:-

Where available, half hourly grid emission factors should be used
in order to accurately reflect the timing and carbon-intensity of consumption

Benefits of Half-Hourly Electricity Carbon Footprinting

Half-hourly electricity carbon footprinting offers several advantages over monthly totals, providing finer granularity and insights that support more effective carbon management:


While half-hourly monitoring provides significant benefits, it can be more resource-intensive, requiring robust data infrastructure, in-house analytics capabilities and skills. Of course you can easily outsource this work to an expert like Carbon Saver. The potential for carbon reduction and cost savings often justifies outsourcing.

FREE Analysis based on your data

If you would like to see the real world impact on your carbon footprint, simply email a sample of your HH meter readings to

Our experts will calculate your Half Hourly Emissions and send you a FREE report so you can see the difference for yourself.