Challenges collecting Primary Data from Value Chain Partners
Large number of suppliers
Target most relevant suppliers based on spend and/or anticipated emissions impact
Target suppliers where the reporting company has a higher degree of influence (e.g., contract manufacturers or suppliers where the reporting company accounts for a significant share of the supplier’s total sales)
Lack of supplier knowledge and experience with GHG inventories and accounting
Target suppliers with prior experience developing GHG inventories
Identify the correct subject-matter expert at the company
Explain the business value of investing in GHG accounting and management
Request data suppliers already have collected, such as energy-use data, rather than emissions data
Provide clear instructions and guidance with the data request
Provide training, support, and follow-up
Lack of supplier capacity and resources for tracking data
Make the data request as simple as possible
Use a simple, user-friendly, standardized data template or questionnaire
Provide a clear list of data required and where to find data (e.g., utility bills)
Use an automated online data collection system to streamline data entry
Consider use of a third party database to collect data
Engage and leverage resources from suppliers’ trade associations
Coordinate GHG data request with other requests
Follow up with suppliers
Lack of transparency in the quality of supplier data
Request documentation on methodology and data sources used, inclusions, exclusions, assumptions, etc.
Minimize errors by requesting activity data (e.g., kWh electricity used, kg of fuels used) and calculating GHG emissions separately
Consider third party assurance
Confidentiality concerns of suppliers
Protect suppliers’ confidential and proprietary information (e.g., through nondisclosure agreements, firewalls, etc.)
Ask suppliers to obtain third party assurance rather than submitting detailed activity data to avoid providing confidential information
Language barriers
Translate the questionnaire and communications into local languages
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